In March 1983 the National Executive after full motivation by Willie Ferns and Gilly Richardson, gave permission for the formation of Southern Natal Nomads under the sponsorship of the Natal Club. Various "Show the Flag" meetings were then held from August to November 1983 at Margate, Port Shepstone,Scottburgh and Umkomaas. The response was magnificent and by December 1983, 88 applications for membership of Southern Natal Nomads had been received.
After much initial work by the official steering committee consisting of Gilly Richardson, Gillie Sales, Hugh Purtell, Jeff Thompson, Willy Rush, John Hill, Don Throssell and Tony Platt, the inaugural game was held at Southbroom Golf Club on 4th February 1984.
The National Chairman Mick Sugden handed over the Southern Natal colours to our first Captain Gilly Richardson and the Southern Natal Nomads Club was born with 93 Founder members.
Just over a year later in 1985 Southern Natal won the first of its two Bert Hunt Trophies at the National Tournament in Cape Town. Ten years later Southern Natal won the millennium Nationals in 2000 on home turf.
A long and wonderful friendship with Southern Cape Nomads was cemented by the establishment of the Southern Challenge Trophy in 1988. The first game held away in the Southern Cape and won by Southern Cape. There have been 26 Challenges to date and the honours are even at 13 wins each. Nowhere else can the camaraderie of Nomads be more tangibly seen than at this wonderful annual event.
In 1994, we were proud to have Grahame Harkess inducted as National Chairman and soon after in 1996 the National Executive represented by the then National Chairman Les Floyd, awarded Honorary Life Membership of Nomads to Roel Germs honouring his many years service to Golforama. 2010 heralded the induction of our second National Chairman, Simon Lee, a great honour for both man and club. Five years later in 2015 our club was honoured to have its 3rd National Chairman, Gary Rodwell.