On the last day of Term 2 the annual South Coast Schools golf championship was held at PSCC.

We also handed out the trophy for our summer league that Southern Natal Nomads sponsored. This trophy has been sponsored since 1989 by the Southern Natal Nomads, which proves a very long history of supporting junior golf on the South Coast.  

We are pleased to announce that the 2017 Summer South Coast School League has been concluded with the following being the results:

1.     Kuswag 32 points

2.      Kingsway 27 points

3.      Port Shepstone 22 points

4.      Suid Natal 19 Points

5.      Amanzimtoti 15,5 points

6.      Scottburgh 2 points

The trophy was handed out on 30th of June 2017 at the South Coast Schools Champs held at PSCC to Kuswag.

Shaka Langa handing the league trophy to the golf captain of Kuswag (Vean Osthuizen.


Zander  Erasmus the coach of Kuswag, Cameron Colman (Kuswag), Shaka Langa (Southern Natal Nomads), Roelof Meyer (Southern Natal Nomads), Vean Oosthuizen (Kuswag golf Captain), Sian Pretoruis (Kuswag) and Dian Wilmot (Kuswag)

A total of 40 golfers took part in the championship. Teachers also played in the field to assist with golf etiquette and rules.

The golfers played 27 holes Stroke play.

Schools Trophy

The Southern Natal school Champion for 2017 is Shiven Govender of Kingsway High School. 

The following schools took part in the Southern Natal Schools Championship :

Kuswag Hoër Skool, Kingsway High School, Port Shepstone High School, Suid Natal Hoër Skool,  Amanzimtoti High School, Scottburgh High School and South City.