In recent months Nomads Shaka Langa and Bobby Naidoo have lent their hand to assist the local mayor Cynthia Maqwebu in establishing a trust for young aspiring golfers.

She approached these two gentlemen, as Nomads, as she felt that the game of golf was an excellent medium to reach out to youngsters, to assist them in reaching potential, based on the discipline, etiquette & consciousness of the rules that govern the game.


As with all trusts and foundations they need money & fortunately the Mayor, a former successful business woman, established & started the trust with R250 thousand of her own money.

The plan is to arrange Golf Days, to allow the youngsters to improve their skills and to reward them with small prizes as they develop their love and respect for the game.

Accordingly Shaka and Bobby have organised one Golf Day and the Trust has had a major fundraiser recently, where some R500 000 was pledged to the Trust.

We are pleased to announce that there was great representation at the event where Nomads attended in their No 1 outfits and enjoyed a very good and successful evening.

It appears that the Trust has started off well with the guidance of our two Nomads, Shaka & Bobby, who have provided an excellent foundation to ensure that the tournaments and events are organised and conducted in the true Nomadic tradition of etiquette and decorum. 



Shaka Langa pictured with guest speaker Vivien Reddy

who kindly donated R150k to the fund